A Physics and Technology engineer combines the best of two worlds: the drive of a physicist to understand the basic principles of how the world works and the drive of an engineer to find new technological solutions to the challenges of our society.
Some of the main challenges of today are related to energy and climate, and the solutions are in many cases related to the intelligent use of materials.
In this programme you will obtain specialist skills in areas such as design, modeling, fabrication, and analysis of functional materials. This academic profile is a fast-track to employment since it combines fundamental knowledge of materials with an application-oriented mindset. Here, applications include a wide range from advanced sensor technology for medical diagnosis or food analysis to the development of improved renewable energy sources.
Many advanced technologies are based on a profound understanding of the underlying materials and the ability to tailor their properties for a given application. With the increased emphasis on sustainable production and circular economy combined with the emerging possibilities of AI based design approaches, this is becoming even more important when developing the products of the future. A remarkable example is the production of a new generation of solar cells that are made from plastics using only a fraction of the energy and materials needed for production of conventional solar cells.
In this master programme you build on your already strong foundation in physics, technology, and mathematics and you obtain deep knowledge of materials science and technology.
Na studia magisterskie mogą kandydować wszyscy, którzy ukończyli studia licencjackie lub inżynierskie (studia I stopnia), studia magisterskie lub studiują na ostatnim roku studiów I-stopnia. Studia, które planujesz powinny mieć zbliżony profil do tych obecnych lub ukończonych, ponieważ w procesie rekrutacji kluczowa jest ich zgodność programowa.
Course description - należy przygotować dokument, zbierający cały sylabus ze studiów licencjackich. Takie sylabusy najczęściej są do pobrania na stronie uniwersytetu. Należy je przetłumaczyć na język angielski (można samodzielnie) i złączyć w jeden dokument. Warto też zapytać w dziekanacie uczelni, czy nie dysponują wersją angielską.
Oficjalna skala oceniania Twojej uczelni - możesz dostać taki dokument w dziekanacie Twojej uczelni lub skonstruować samodzielnie. W obu przypadkach dokument powinien zawierać pieczątkę dziekanatu.
You can apply if you hold a similar, relevant degree in Science or Engineering. To be considered, your degree must include a minimum of:
You will be qualified for jobs in, for example:
You will also be qualified as a university researcher in, for example, material science or to develop new types of solar cells or sensor systems with improved performance.
With this programme you are qualified for a job in Denmark or abroad and for studies at PhD level.
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