The mechanical engineer degree programme is professionally oriented and structured. In the courses at the programme you will work with innovation and processes of development – from the first ideas to the design of the final product. Mechanical Engineering is a broad education, where you get the opportunity to get a portfolio of many engineering skills, which you can use independently of which field you want to work in.
During the Mechanical Engineering programme, you will attend a broad range of courses. The more general ones are going to prepare you for the world of engineering. Alongside this, you will also attend courses, that are directly related to the field of Mechanical Engineering and the industrial sector. These courses will give you a more specialised profile that makes you stand out compared to students enrolled at other engineering programmes at VIA. At all VIA’s engineering programmes, we have independently from which field you are enrolled at, a focus on sustainability, digitalisation, innovation and entrepreneurship. These are fundamental elements, which we are working with during the entire programme and it will be naturally implemented in the lessons, projects during the semesters and internships.
Wypis godzin oraz ocen – bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.*
Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum - jeśli posiadasz już te dokumenty, koniecznie załącz je do swojego formularza aplikacyjnego Kastu. Jeśli jesteś w ostatniej klasie szkoly średniej, doślesz je wtedy, kiedy je otrzymasz.
Osoby aplikujące na ten kierunek muszą również wypełnić ten dokument. Dokument należy następnie podpisać, zeskanować i załączyć do formularza aplikacyjnego Kastu.
VIA University College is already making a huge effort to help international students find internships and jobs in Denmark. For several years, our Career Service Centre has been offering VIA students help and guidance in searching for jobs and internships in Denmark by offering workshops on “how to write a CV”,or “how to write an application”. The Centre also organizes company dating – a campus fair where students get to meet a lot of Danish companies to hear more about career opportunities. The Career Service Centre is currently intensifying these activities in response to both the Ministry’s and VIA’s wish for international students to remain in Denmark after graduation. We will be offering graduates even more events and opportunities to meet the companies, just as the opening hours at the Career Service Centre have been extended and more seminars will be held. We want our international students to experience that access to the Danish companies and to the Danish labour market will be even easier in the future.
Attached you can find more information about some of the coming events, just as you can find more information on Facebook and on our website :
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