Global sustainable trends in tourism accommodations are growing fast, creating an industry need for entrepreneurial professionals. This master tourism destination management specialisation programme, with focus on sustainable outdoor hospitality management, prepares you for a future as an entrepreneur or manager in the outdoor hospitality industry.
Managing outdoor hospitality businesses is a complex process which demands a sustainable approach. You will delve into the theory of sustainable outdoor hospitality management and gain hands-on experience working in the sector. You will study in Breda, Girona (Spain) and Rijeka (Croatia), earning master's degrees from each of the three participating universities in this European partnership.
In the academic year 2025-2026 the statutory tuition fee for the BUas part of the master's programmes is €2,601. During the programme, the remaining tuition is charged to the University of Rijeka in Croatia and the University of Girona in Spain. The final fees for Croatia and Spain for academic year 2024-2025 will be determined just before the semester begins. Approximately €10,500 for the complete 2-year degree programme.
Na studia magisterskie mogą kandydować wszyscy, którzy ukończyli studia licencjackie lub inżynierskie (studia I stopnia), studia magisterskie lub studiują na ostatnim roku studiów I-stopnia. Studia, które planujesz powinny mieć zbliżony profil do tych obecnych lub ukończonych, ponieważ w procesie rekrutacji kluczowa jest ich zgodność programowa.
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:
Bachelor’s degree, for example in the fields of tourism, hotel management, international business, management, economics, law, e-commerce, urban development, geography, social sciences or finance.
Bachelor’s students with such a BBA degree are directly eligible if they meet the following criteria:
All eligible candidates will be invited for an interview.
The applicant has to provide us with two references as part of the intake procedure.
Graduates in this field have been gaining jobs in the profession:
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