Euro-Asia Business Management

International Business Academy
Miasto, kraj
Kolding, Denmark
Czas trwania studiów
4-4,5 lata
Zakres programowy
Business Administration, Management, Organisation & Leadership
Koszty studiowania
0 €
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Uwaga - ten kierunek nie jest już oferowany w języku angielskim. Więcej informacji na temat likwidacji kierunków znajdziesz tutaj. Jeśli szukasz alternatywy dla tego kierunku wypełnij ten formularz.


Euro-Asia Business Management

If you are interested in an international career in sales, management and marketing, and would like to study in China for two years, this programme may be of interest to you.

In the fast-expanding global market, IBA and Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance have jointly developed a special opportunity for European, Asian and other international students to obtain a double degree in business management.


What you learn

With the Bachelor in Euro-Asia Business Management you learn about marketing, management, communication and economics in the global context, and also about which factors play important roles in trading among European and Asian countries.

Additionally, you will learn about law, ethics, psychology and the Chinese language, in order for you to be able to analyse differences and equalities.

At IBA International Business Academy, we work with various methods for learning and teaching. For instance, regular classes, group work, lectures, visitors from relevant businesses, cases , themes, project weeks, etc. It means that no two weeks in school are the same, and you will experience the kinds of real life challenges that you’ll inevitably encounter when you get your first job.

All teaching and all exams are in English.


The global perspective

What makes this degree special is its highly concentrated European-Asian perspective. With the programme taking place in Europe and in China, you become part of a dynamic group of internationally-oriented, ambitious students, with whom you can share experience and knowledge, while enjoying networking opportunities of potential value to your career.

Studying in this international environment enables you to experience and interact with people from different cultures, giving immense benefits for both your personal and career development.


Structure of the programme

You will study the first two years at IBA and the following two at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. You will then obtain an AP degree in Marketing Management (IBA) and a Bachelor in Business Management (Shanghai). 

During the two years at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, the curriculum is a mixture of mandatory Chinese language courses and business-related subjects.

Study environment and teaching method at IBA

Teaching takes place in classes comprising between 25 and 35 students, giving you an excellent opportunity to enjoy a great social life with your fellow students. You will experience teaching approaches emphasising theory as well as practice.

The instruction is based on projects, many of which take place in cooperation with local and national businesses, and the tasks are normally carried out in groups. You must be prepared to make an independent effort and to cooperate with your fellow students.

Some of the project tasks, and the final project in particular, are independent tasks that you carry out on the basis of the theory that you have learned. The projects should be based on specific cases from businesses, insofar as this is possible. You will be given good advice and constructive criticism along the way.



On the Euro-Asia Business Management there is a mandatory 12-week internship during semester 4.

During your studies you will see both a careers advisor and a company consultant from IBA Business, who will provide dialogue and guidance around exactly what a targeted application and an effective CV should contain.

As a student you also have the option of an individual session, in which a careers advisor from IBA Business will go through the CV and the application with you, and together you’ll plan for the next stage of the process.

IBA Business has a strong network of previous internship companies, both in Denmark and abroad, and students from IBA are very much in demand. Many students from the programme seek out their own internships, while others work alongside IBA Business, who regularly receive job announcements for both internships and permanent positions. These will all be posted on the job portal.

IBA Business also holds various different activities for IBA alumni (i.e. former IBA students).

Before you embark on an internship you will also be invited to a careers day at IBA, to which a range of companies is invited, all of them looking for an intern just like you.

Both careers advice and internships are to help get you fully prepared for the business world.

Students, companies and IBA alike all have a shared responsibility to create good relationships, and to ensure that each party gains something positive from the student’s internship within the company. IBA Business has solid experience of securing an internship placement for every student.


Tuition fee to Shanghai Finance University is about 2,750 euro/year.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis godzin oraz ocen – bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.*

Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego
  • Test Kastu z języka angielskiego (jeśli uzyskasz wystarczający wynik z IELTS/TOEFL nie musisz zdawać testu Kastu).
Ważne wymagania
  • Matematyka. Całkowity czas nauki matematyki w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 250 godzin (zegarowych). (or Business Economics - 225 hours)
  • Język angielski. Całkowity czas nauki języka angielskiego w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 210 godzin (zegarowych).

Career opportunities

With this degree, your typical career possibilities are within management and marketing, especially in companies with a strong multinational profile.

Studying in this global environment gives you an advantage, because you learn to understand other cultures, languages, history etc. to a higher extend than other students and thereby making you more attractive to a future employer.


With successful completion of this degree, you can automatically progress to a master’s level degree at the participating universities and many other universities throughout the world.