Tourism Management

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
Miasto, kraj
Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Czas trwania studiów
4 lata
Zakres programowy
Tourism & Leisure
Koszty studiowania
2601.00 EUR
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Winter intake start date
Zakończenie rekrutacji
Winter intake deadline
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Develop your passion for travel, build your skills in tourism innovation, and put responsible entrepreneurship into practice. Come and seize the opportunities the world of tourism has to offer.

The programme covers a range of aspects of tourism, from concept development to sustainability, from management information systems to forecasting and trend analysis. You’ll also develop insights into organisational cultures, marketing plan and strategic decision-making as well as expand your knowledge of different languages and develop your intercultural communication skills. You’ll also develop your personal skills and intercultural awareness, so that you become adept on a personal and professional level. 

Sustainable tourism starts with you.  

It takes your passion for tourism way beyond sunshine, beaches and palm trees. It raises your awareness of the opportunities to responsibly and sustainably continue to explore the world. With sustainable tourism, you take into full account the current and future economic, social and environmental impact of tourism. You address the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. For us, this means being all-inclusive. It’s a new interpretation. A concept that responds to changing trends in tourism.

  • Focus on sustainable tourism  
  • Work on projects from the tourism sector
  • Customise your course with over 100 minors we have on offer
  • Gain international experience in an international environment with more than 80 nationalities
  • Explore the world on Grand Tour to Bali, South Africa and Thailand or go to one of the 120 Exchange partner universities around the globe
  • Do a seven-month internship and raise your career prospects: many of interns start their career in the same company
  • Work on research with NHL Stenden’s European Tourism Futures Institute

You can take these minors in the Netherlands or at one of our partner locations in South Africa, Thailand or Indonesia (we call this the Grand Tour). You can also choose from minors offered by other degree programmes and universities of applied sciences – this is all part of broadening your academic skills.

  • Heritage Experience Management(Leeuwarden). Focusing on the management of natural and cultural heritage, you research the tourism possibilities for a particular heritage site. Working for local companies, students develop, for instance, an app or experience related to the heritage site.
  • Outdoor Leadership and Adventure(Leeuwarden, Bali). Focusing on planning and guiding outdoor activities, you learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur in the industry, from setting up a business to being a manager. And you learn to understand and develop sustainable products and innovative strategies.
  • Community-Based Tourism (Thailand). Focusing on small-scale tourism in developing countries, you work with development organisations and the tourism industry to develop Community-Based Tourism run and owned by the local community.
  • Tourism Geography & Planning (Leeuwarden). This pre-master programme consists of two minors and a dissertation and is offered in cooperation with the University of Groningen (RUG). Tourism Management graduates can then enrol straight onto the Cultural Geography Master programme at the RUG.

Kastu feedback about the program after the visit

  • NHL has super great NOTIZ Hotel (4*) ran by students.
  • NHL has super great restaurant with the highest quality food - Restaurant Wannee (led by former Michelin Star Chef Albert Kooy).
  • All around campus NHL have places where students work (Canteen (with great food and huge selection of meals), Student Café, Coffee bar, Conference and events).
  • Mostly it's one week of lectures and one week of practical work in one of the universities places (cafes, restaurant, hotel and other), the students get the ability to work in several different places during their studies.
  • Each of these places are run by students who are supervised by professionals. Each year students are given more responsibility (Year 1: Operational; Year 2: Supervisor; Year 3: Manager; Year 4: Internship).
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis ocen – jeśli wciąż się uczysz i dlatego nie masz jeszcze świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej, bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.
  • Świadectwo dojrzałości i świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej – w przypadku ukończenia szkoły średniej nie potrzebujesz wypisów ocen – wystarczy, że do formularza aplikacyjnego załączysz Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum/technikum.

Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.

Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w jeden z następujących sposobów:

  • IELTS - 6.0 (zalecane jest nie mniej niż 5.0 z każdej z części)
  • TOEFL – 80
Dodatkowe wymagania
  • CV w języku angielskim
  • List motywacyjny (bardzo ważny!) - wskazówki, jak napisać list motywacyjny znajdziesz tutaj. Możesz też tutaj zamówić darmową instrukcję, wraz z przykładami.

Careers open to you after graduation include:

  • Procurement or Sales Manager, for instance for a tour operator
  • Marketing & Sales Manager for an airline
  • Regional Manager for a travel agency
  • Governmental Policy Officer
  • Contracting Manager or Product Manager, for instance for a cruise line
  • Operations Manager for an eco resort
  • Self-employed entrepreneur in the travel and leisure industry