Electrical and Electronic Engineering

HAN University of Applied Sciences
Miasto, kraj
Arnhem, Netherlands
Czas trwania studiów
4 lata
Zakres programowy
Electrical Engineering, Energy & Power Engineering
Koszty studiowania
2601.00 EUR
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Looking for a technical career aimed at the future? Become an electrical engineer. Work on the transition to sustainable energy. Or develop smart automated manufacturing or industrial processes. Electrical and Electronic Engineering at HAN gives you a solid start to a rewarding career.

The program for Electrical and Electronic Engineering is based on industry needs. You get all the latest theories. And equally important: you put it into practice. From the very start of the program. So when you graduate you’re an engineer with the right experience.

What do you learn?

To become an electrical engineer, you need to know about fundamental theories. But you also need to know how to apply them in practice. That's the strength of this program. It puts you at the heart of real-life electrical engineering projects. Projects where you cooperate with research groups and companies.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering trains you to become an electrical engineer. You get all the fundamental theories. Then you put them into practice in projects. Real-life electrical engineering projects that solve actual issues in the professional field.

Throughout your studies, you work with your classmates in project teams. You also get the chance to work with professionals from the field.

Your focus in this course is industrial systems and power systems.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis ocen – jeśli wciąż się uczysz i dlatego nie masz jeszcze świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej, bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.
  • Świadectwo dojrzałości – w przypadku ukończenia szkoły średniej nie potrzebujesz wypisu ocen – wystarczy, że do formularza aplikacyjnego załączysz Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum (bądź technikum).

Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.


Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:

  • IELTS - 6.0
  • TOEFL – 80
Ważne wymagania
  • Angielski, matematyka, fizyka - te przedmioty powinny być nauczane przez cały okres trwania szkoły średniej.
    Jeśli nie spełniasz tego wymagania, skontaktuj się z nami.

Careers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and electronic engineering is a career for the future. Your skills are needed for the transition to sustainable energy, for example. And for the creation of smart, user-friendly machines and devices. Become an electrical engineer and help shape our future.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering jobs

With a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering you can find jobs in the commercial and public sector. For example, in product manufacturing, electro-technical companies, oil and gas processing, food processing or the energy sector. Here are some electrical engineering jobs you could pursue:

  • Hardware developer
    As a hardware developer, you develop innovative electronic products. More specifically, the electronic hardware for these products. You do this using microcontrollers. Customer requirements and specifications are crucial. Your teammates are other engineers and professionals from other disciplines.

  • Industrial automation developer
    As an industrial automation developer, you analyze, design, simulate, program and test automated machinery and processes. The aim? To perform exact or repetitive tasks. Using the same IT solutions used in visualization and monitoring. Possible industries? Product manufacturing, oil and gas processing or food processing. 

  • Power engineer
    As a power engineer, you design electrical transmission systems. This involves tasks like calculating and simulating power transmission systems. Also, reviewing power system designs, observing field acceptance tests and inspecting power systems. 

The next step after graduating

So now you have your Bachelor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The next step? Finding a job is simple. After all, electrical engineers are in high demand: 100% of our graduates find work within a year. Also, you can use HAN’s alumni network to connect with international companies and research institutes. So you’ll have no trouble finding the right electrical engineering job for you.