Engineering in Biotechnology

University College Absalon
Miasto, kraj
Kalundborg, Denmark
Czas trwania studiów
3.5 lata
Zakres programowy
Koszty studiowania
0 €
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery

This Bachelor Program of Engineering in Biotechnology combines biology, chemistry and science of engineering.

During the studies you will learn to apply in depth  knowledge of biochemical and biotechnological processes according to production of drugs (medicine), food industry and environmental challenges.

You will get acquainted with methods used in the field of biotechnology of industrial production.

You will also obtain knowledge of engineering principles relevant to the processing of materials by microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses) or plant and animal cells to create useful products or industrial processes.

Program structure

The degree focuses on  biotechnology, for example how cells are used as small factories in the production of medicine and foodstuffs, or how they are used in purification of wastewater or converting waste into energy - biofuels. 

You will gain theoretical knowledge within biotechnology and will be working with the following disciplines:

  • Cell and microbiology
  • Biotechnology and protein chemistry
  • General and technical chemistry
  • Mathematics and statistics

Moreover, you will get acquainted with a line of technical subjects such as chemical unit operations, practical regulation, fermentation and chemical reaction engineering.

From the very beginning of your education, you will start bridging theory and practice, integrating  obtained theoretical knowledge with real-life professional practice. Our Bachelor of Engineering program is based on the close cooperation with local companies – bio manufacturing market leaders such as Novo Nordisk, Novozymes, Unibio, Kalundborg Refinery, Kalundborg Utility etc.

The last year of studies includes a mandatory internship, elective courses and bachelor thesis which provide you with a unique opportunity to tailor these activities in close collaboration with the companies.

You can find full programme overview HERE.


College guarantees that internship for all students will be paid (they will get around 1800 euros/month salary. From this amount taxes will be paid too, so "real" salary will be lower). Usually in Denmark internships are not paid.

College also guarantees housing for all students. They will live in brand new rooms (they are being built now and should be finished soon). It will be in convenient place, near to college, train station and other companies, where students will most probably do internship.

College with local government are thinking now how they could help students to find a student job to cover their living expenses during studies - so students might expect help for this too.
What is more Kalundborg is about 30-45 minutes away from Roskilde and 1 hour away from Copenhagen.

Finally, there is a big demand of Engineers in Denmark, and many companies, who are looking for Engineers are international, so it should not be very big problem for students get a job in Denmark after this program even if they Danish language skills will not be very good. After this program, students will be able to work in oil, renewable energy, medicine research companies (most of them are international). 

Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis godzin oraz ocen – bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.*

Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Znajomość języka angielskiego można potwierdzić w następujący sposób (wystarczy spełnienie jednego z poniższych wymagań):

  • Liczba godzin z języka angielskiego w ciągu 3 ostatnich lat szkoły średniej musi wynosić co najmniej 210 godzin zegarowych, ocena wymagana na koniec szkoły średniej to min. 3
  • IELTS - 6.5
  • TOEFL - 83
Ważne wymagania
  • Matematyka. Całkowity czas nauki matematyki w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 375 godzin (zegarowych). Jeśli brakuje Ci kilku godzin, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.
  • Język angielski. Całkowity czas nauki języka angielskiego w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 210 godzin (zegarowych).
  • Fizyka. Całkowity czas nauki fizyki w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 200 godzin (zegarowych).
  • Chemia. Całkowity czas nauki chemii w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 200 godzin (zegarowych).
Dodatkowe wymagania
  • Na ten kierunek rekomendowane jest przygotowanie CV w języku angielskim.
  • List motywacyjny w formie video - żeby zdobyć instrukcję zarejestruj się na stronie Kastu, wypełnij formularz aplikacyjny i dodaj do niego interesujące Cię kierunki na Absalon, następnie przejdź do sekcji Dokumenty w formularzu zgłoszeniowym Kastu, znajdź dokument o nazwie Video presentation (Absalon) i naciśnij żółty dymek informacyjny obok.

As a Bachelor of  Engineering in Biotechnology you acquire a wide range of career opportunities in the global job market - in Denmark or abroad  

You will obtain competences within development and production using biotechnological processes. It could be solving tasks within the fields of health science, nutrition, environment and energy, within areas covering scope of food and medicine production, environmental and energy sectors.

You will qualify for a position as operational and production engineer working with process control based on chemical, physical and biological analysis. Control, regulation and optimization of production processes could also be one of your areas of responsibility.

Moreover, you can also work within research and development, as a consultant or within public administration handling e.g. environmental or regulatory affairs.