Digital Arts and Entertainment is a three-year full-time Bachelor degree programme designed by and developed for creative, ambitious, passionate and exceptional individuals, ready to push the limits of tomorrow’s interactive or pre-rendered 3D.
Are you fascinated by the magic of animation? We take you through the production process of a 3D animation film.
We start with the visual storytelling in a storyboard: evolving from a 2D animatic to a 3D block-out to the final scene. In this pipeline, *you* are the "puppet master". Let virtual beings jump, run, fly, talk, cry, fight, fall in love... There are no limits. Within animation, the boundaries are
You learn to analyze reference material image by image. Whether the character is an animal, a human being, an object or an alien... the silhouette, the emotion and the key pose you convey must be universal and credible.
But it doesn't stop here. You also explore the pipeline of 3D modeling and sculpting, texturing, rigging, shading...
At the start of the course, the foundations are immediately laid by teaching the student to draw anatomy and perspective. You will get an introduction to SideFX Houdini paired with a solid base of math that allows you to create spectacular procedural 3D content. You also get the chance to experiment with motion capture and photogrammetry within our high-tech greenkey studio.
Ta uczelnia pobiera bezzwrotną opłatę aplikacyjną w wysokości 50€.
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w jeden z następujących sposobów:
Future job opportunities:
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