Information Technology

Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Miasto, kraj
Venlo, Netherlands
Czas trwania studiów
4 lata
Zakres programowy
Business Information Systems, Data Science & Big Data, IT Security, Computer systems, Software Engineering
Koszty studiowania
2601.00 EUR
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Are you passionate about IT? Are you interested in solving complex issues? Would you describe yourself as resourceful and a team player? Digitalisation is taking place everywhere, and the number of applications based on data science, artificial intelligence and Internet-of-things principles is growing rapidly. As an IT professional, you are able to move along and stay ahead of these developments. Our study programme provides you with the knowledge you need!

You’ll be trained to become a versatile IT professional. Practice is essential! As you’ll be collaborating with others a lot, the programme’s focus will also be on developing your social and communicational skills. Sound knowledge of information systems is essential, but you’ll also learn how to organise and give advice. This will often be done in group projects, focused of practice with extra guidance. You can always contact your lecturers and student counsellor to discuss your study plan and progress.

What are you going to learn?

As a student of our Software Engineering / Business Informatics programme, you learn to shape and make use of new developments. You’ll also learn to collaborate with professionals from different backgrounds, which gives you a head start in the business field.

You’ll choose between:


Software Engineering. Is about the process of making and improving software systems, from the initial idea to implementation and management of the system. You’ll learn how to produce high-quality software systems instead of spaghetti-code with bugs in it. The type of system to develop, the operating system to develop for and the environment to develop in do not play a role, as a software engineer is qualified for all of them.

Business Informatics. Includes the knowledge of developing software, the use of IT to digitalise business processes, and supporting managers by giving them information derived from the business processes, so they can make the right decisions. To be able to do all this, you’ll learn how to collect requirements from the various stakeholders, and to use the requirements to define a adapted/new business process which afterwards is to be implemented in software (= digitalised). You’ll learn about specific types of software and software architectures that enable the manager to perform data-based decision making.

Data Science. Is concerned with analysing, storing and visualising different and often large data sets. Take, for example, the data that Google or Facebook collect from you. Combining data leads to information that is increasingly crucial for organisations. By having the right information available to the right people at the right time, better decisions can be made at all organisational levels, from operational to strategic. This allows organisations to differentiate themselves from their competitors. However, data science also plays a very big role in ever-increasing automation and robotisation. Software, often in machines and many utensils (think of a car), is capable of learning and adapting to experiences. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are therefore subjects of interest within the data science focus. It offers us a world full of possibilities, but we will also focus on the social aspects and (un)desirability of far-reaching automation.

Embedded Systems. More and more appliances contain software! Take the coffee machine, your washing machine, smart lighting or more and more self-driving cars. Embedded software is the software incorporated in these devices, increasingly in very small devices that are also connected via networks. Software, that is therefore in direct connection with and for controlling hardware. Knowledge of both areas is required to create good looking, but most of all useful products.

Cyber Security (available from 2026). The importance and value of data and software systems, makes people and businesses increasingly dependent and therefore vulnerable. Securing systems is therefore more and more important. Nowadays there are even companies that need to be temporarily shut down due to ransomware and hacker attacks. Securing these systems starts early in the development process. By knowing how to hack (ethical hacking), you can also secure systems properly and always try to be one step ahead of malicious parties. With a focus on security, you will look at the technical but certainly also process-related aspects of security.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis ocen – jeśli wciąż się uczysz i dlatego nie masz jeszcze świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej, bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.
  • Świadectwo dojrzałości – w przypadku ukończenia szkoły średniej nie potrzebujesz wypisu ocen – wystarczy, że do formularza aplikacyjnego załączysz Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum (bądź technikum).

Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.

Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:

  • IELTS - 6.0
  • TOEFL – 80

Our approach is designed to provide you with a breadth of knowledge that is attractive to employers, while allowing you to choose some subjects to study in considerable depth. With an impressive academic foundation, skills such as team working, project management, presentation and interpersonal skills are developed throughout the programme. There is an emphasis on "education for capability" and this approach helps to ensure that you will be attractive to a wide range of employers.

As a BITgraduate, you are likely to be extremely capable, and be able to apply your expertise rapidly to improve the performance of an organisation. Our graduates have enjoyed an excellent employment record in many areas of industry and commerce.