Neurophysics. Our brain has an information processing capacity that far exceeds modern supercomputers. In this specialisation, we aim at unravelling the neuro-computational mechanisms of this fascinating system using experimental approaches and advanced theory.
Particle and Astrophysics. Particle physics and Astrophysics both use the laws of physics to study the universe. In this specialisation, you’ll dive into extreme worlds and unravel the inner workings of the universe from the smallest to the largest scales.
Quantum Matter. From individual molecules to complex solids: in this Master's, you will study matter on a fundamental quantum-physical level and discover collective and emergent quantum phenomena for future technologies. Using theory or experiments, or both.
Science, Management and Innovation. In Science, Management and Innovation (SMI) you will gain expertise in societal challenges, work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and learn the ability to speak the language of policy and business.
Science in Society. Are you concerned about what is going on in the world? Do you have an interest in people, policies, science and society? In this specialisation, you study the relevance of science in society using theoretical principles and practical examples.
Na studia magisterskie mogą kandydować wszyscy, którzy ukończyli studia licencjackie lub inżynierskie (studia I stopnia), studia magisterskie lub studiują na ostatnim roku studiów I-stopnia. Studia, które planujesz powinny mieć zbliżony profil do tych obecnych lub ukończonych, ponieważ w procesie rekrutacji kluczowa jest ich zgodność programowa.
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:
A completed Bachelor's degree in Physics and Astronomy
Entering the Master’s specialisation in Physics and Astrophysics requires a Bachelor’s degree in:
Your degree has to be equivalent to a Dutch university diploma. The Examination Board will determine if an international student has the required knowledge to be admitted. The Examination Board will also indicate if the student is required to follow specific courses from the Bachelor's programme to eliminate possible deficiencies.
All specialisations of this Master’s programme are an excellent preparation for a career in research, either at a university, at an institute or at a company. However, many of our students end up in other business or government positions as well. Whatever job you aspire, you can certainly make use of the fact that you have learned to:
PhD positions
If you would like to have a career in science, it’s possible to apply for a PhD position at Radboud University. Of course, you can also apply at any other university anywhere in the world.
Positions in business or governmental organisations
To get an idea the various career opportunities, a sample of jobs performed by our alumni:
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