Service, Hospitality & Tourism Management

Dania Academy
Miasto, kraj
Randers, Denmark
Czas trwania studiów
2 lata
Zakres programowy
Hospitality Management, Tourism & Leisure
Koszty studiowania
0 €
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
AP degree
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery
Uwaga - ten kierunek nie jest już oferowany w języku angielskim. Więcej informacji na temat likwidacji kierunków znajdziesz tutaj. Jeśli szukasz alternatywy dla tego kierunku wypełnij ten formularz.


Do you want to work as a Restaurant/Hotel Manager, Event Coordinator, Guest relation or conference Manager?

The Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management programme will qualify you to independently work within development, planning, implementing and delivering services at a national and international level. Your main focus will be understanding how businesses operating in the fields of service, leisure and business tourism as well as hotels and restaurants work.

The Service, Hospitality and Tourism programme is designed to combine theory with practice. The first two as well as the fourth semesters are taught at the academy through a combination of classroom teaching, projects, case studies, guest speakers and company visits. During the first half of the third semester, theory is applied in practice through an internship in a company of your choice. The second half takes place at the academy.

The programme consists of five core areas: Methodology, Service Industry, Organization, Planning, Communication.

The core areas of the programme consist of cross-disciplinary programme components, specialization programme components, an internship and a Final exam project, totaling 120 ECTS.

You can read the full course curriculum, by clicking HERE


Choosing a specialization will give you the opportunity to improve your study and professional competencies.

Specializations amount to 15 ECTS.

  • Hotel and Restaurant Management
  • Tourism Management
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
  • Wypis godzin oraz ocen – bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.*
Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego
  • Test Kastu z języka angielskiego (jeśli uzyskasz wystarczający wynik z IELTS/TOEFLnie musisz zdawać testu Kastu).
Ważne wymagania
  • Matematyka. Całkowity czas nauki matematyki w szkole średniej powinien wynosić co najmniej 125 godzin (zegarowych).

There are several career opportunities if you choose to study Hospitality and Tourism. The list is long but it also depends on your industial experiences. Here are some job titles that our former students are having today

You can for example become:

  • Restaurant/Hotel Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Event Coordinator
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Consultant
  • Hotel Reception Manager
  • Tourism Manager
  • Guest Relation Manager
  • Conference Manager