Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

Aarhus University
Miasto, kraj
Aarhus, Denmark
Czas trwania studiów
2 lata
Zakres programowy
Innovation Management
Koszty studiowania
0 €
Język nauczania
English (ENG)
Rodzaj studiów
Rozpoczęcie studiów
Zakończenie rekrutacji
O programie
Wymagania rekrutacyjne
Możliwości kariery

The MSc in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship prepares you for a career in innovation, business development and entrepreneurial ventures – either in established companies or in start-ups. You are taught to adopt a strategic mindset and identify how technology, innovation and entrepreneurship can support the growth and survival of businesses.

You will acquire competences necessary to drive, manage and scale innovative ideas and ventures in dynamic settings, for instance in the role of business developer, project manager or intrapreneur/entrepreneur. We will pay specific attention to emerging digital technologies, sustainability and other current trends.

Upon graduation, you will be qualified to manage and facilitate innovation processes, from discovery and ideation to proof of concept, prototyping and commercialisation. You will be able to set strategic targets and assess relevant technology, intellectual property and financing opportunities. Furthermore, you will have learned to collect customer insights, understand customer needs and business challenges, and to carry out early-stage experiments for market validation and commercial potential. You will also have been trained in presentation skills.

The courses on this Master’s degree programme will develop your analytical skillset and enable you to work creatively with problem solving as well as to translate theory into practice and to collaborate across disciplines in diverse knowledge domains.

The degree programme has been prepared in close collaboration with partners from business and industry and consists of a combination of lectures, assignments, teamwork and hands-on work with real projects and cases.

Wymagania rekrutacyjne

Na studia magisterskie mogą kandydować wszyscy, którzy ukończyli studia licencjackie lub inżynierskie (studia I stopnia), studia magisterskie lub studiują na ostatnim roku studiów I-stopnia. Studia, które planujesz powinny mieć zbliżony profil do tych obecnych lub ukończonych, ponieważ w procesie rekrutacji kluczowa jest ich zgodność programowa.

  • Wykaz punktów ECTS – osoby, które są jeszcze w trakcie studiów, muszą załączyć wypis punktów ECTS, w którym będzie wykazane, jakie przedmioty były realizowane na studiach oraz ile punktów za nie otrzymano.

  • Dyplom ukończenia studiów licencjackich lub inżynierskich – jeśli jesteś absolwentem wyższej uczelni, nie potrzebujesz wypisu, wystarczy załączyć dyplom ukończenia studiów wraz z suplementem (w języku angielskim lub oryginał z tłumaczeniem)

Wymagania odnośnie języka angielskiego

Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w jeden z następujących sposobów:

  • IELTS – 6.5

  • TOEFL – 83 (Aarhus University TOEFL kod - 8935)

Uwaga: wymagania językowe mogą ulec zmianie. Przed wysłaniem aplikacji upewnij się jakie są wymagania językowe na konkretny kierunek bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni.
W przypadku zdawania certyfikatu IELTs upewnij się, czy uczelnia oprócz wymagań oceny końcowej nie ma również wymagań odnośnie ocen cząstkowych.


Ważne wymagania

If you hold a programme from another university, you can have your programme evaluated at School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University in order to find out if you meet the admission requirements. This evaluation will prioritize the sufficient content of the following subjects and ECTS-points.

In order to be admitted to the MSc programs students must have the following combination of courses from their bachelor’s degree:

Marketing10 ECTSFinance and Accounting25 ECTS
(20 ECTS nuo 2015)
Statistics and Research Methods15 ETCSManagement /organisational studies10 ECTS
Managerial economics and operations management15 ETCS
(20 ECTS nuo 2015)
Microeconomics5 ECTS
Business Economics in total80 ECTS

Applicants from EU/EEA countries will be evaluated for the remaining seats on the MSc programmes. For each MSc programme a selection of specific academic areas has been chosen as specifically relevant. It is the grades from these academic areas that will be used when distributing applicants from EU/EEA countries to the remaining seats. Admission will be based on grade point average (GPA) of the specific academic area and applicants with the highest GPA will be admitted first. The calculation of the GPA will be based only on courses that have been passed and handed in documentation for by the time of the application deadline.

Selected academic areas for Innovation Management can be found here:

MSc programme

Course areas, which will be part of the GPA

Innovation Management

Organisation and Leadership theory 10 ECTS
Business Economics 5 ECTS
Marketing 5 ECTS


Along with the application the applicant must upload:

  • Course descriptions in English briefly describing the contents of the applicant's specific BA courses or other information that will contribute to describing the contents of the applicant's Bachelor's degree programme (may be translated by the applicant, but certified by the applicant's university).
  • Official descriptions of relevant courses to be completed after the application deadline.
  • An official description of the marking scale used at the applicant's home university.


The study programme provides the graduate with specialist knowledge within the disciplines of the study programme that give the graduate high academic qualifications to develop solutions to issues pertaining to business administration in companies and organisations in the public and private sectors.

Through the study programme, the graduate has acquired knowledge that enables the graduate to:

•    Understand and consider knowledge pertaining to the various disciplines as well as identify academic issues;
•    Master the scientific methodologies and tools of the various disciplines as well as master general skills associated with employment within the areas studied;
•    Assess and choose among the scientific methodologies and tools of the various disciplines as well as develop new analysis and solution models;
•    Discuss professional and academic issues with both specialists and laymen;
•    Manage work and development situations that are complex, unpredictable and require new solution models;
•    Initiate and carry out, on an independent basis, monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration and take professional responsibility;
•    Take responsibility, on an independent basis, for own professional development and specialisation.

The MSc programme in Innovation Management will provide you with the competences and skills to take up managerial positions in both producer companies and consulting firms and work specifically with:

  • planning and implementation of innovation strategies;
  • creation and advancement of innovative processes;
  • development of new businesses.