Co-creation has become a reality for every professional designer. And it’s second nature to our IDE students at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). Anyone can come up with a ground-breaking idea. But IDE teaches you to funnel your creativity by collaborating with all stakeholders, taking ethics and other cultures into account and making a positive impact with the launch of your project.
You could design a solution for cleaning plastic waste from the city canals based on nature’s principles (biomimicry). You could design and engineer a sun visor or windshield wiper for the car of the future. Or you could create a lighting solution that is sustainable and helps students and young professionals keep a healthy daily rhythm.
The first semester at IDE provides you with the Basics of IDE: the methods, knowledge and skills that you apply immediately in your first design project for an external client. The next three semesters you can choose from the different semesters on offer. All IDE semesters are integrated projects for real clients supported by training in skills and methods. Your fifth semester is for the minor space; you can choose a minor at THUAS or elsewhere, do an internship or go on exchange. In the final semester you’ll put your skills to the test in in individual innovation project for a client.
Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:
Każdy, kto nie ukończył jeszcze szkoły (nie posiada świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej), musi dołączyć dokument wskazujący, jakie egzaminy maturalne planuje zdawać. Dokument ten musi zostać zatwierdzony przez administrację szkoły. Formularz dotyczący egzaminu maturalnego można znaleźć tutaj:
You could be an innovator at Philips or develop 3D printing technology for a small production company that makes custom-made shoes for the consumer market. Or you could set up your own enterprise based on one of the ideas you developed during your studies. There are many opportunities once you complete IDE and begin your career. But as a young professional, you do much more. You’ll discover the culture at your company and what the profession does on a daily basis. You’ll attend meetings and company parties. You’ll also learn all there is to know about your market - the latest developments, the competition and what they do.
If you’re academically inclined, you may want to follow a masters after graduating from IDE. There are no masters at THUAS that complement IDE. However, in the Netherlands, there are three universities of technology that offer interesting and fitting masters. You should note that some universities in the Netherlands require you to follow a pre-masters course after graduating from THUAS. Sometimes you can get in right away with your portfolio. You can take a masters in design after graduation just about anywhere else in the world where a bachelor of science is accepted.
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