European Studies will turn you into a global citizen, by offering you an English-language education in an international classroom, by sending you on exchange to a foreign university and by putting you to work on an internship at an non-profit organisation, government institution or private business, where you’ll find out what you have to offer the job market. It will also help you establish an international network of European Professionals to keep you connected as you move forward in your career.
This fast-track offers the same mix of knowledge of business and politics, as well as professional skills and foreign languages, and equips you for the same variety of jobs in policy advice, communications, export and other fields at public and private sector organisations, but follows a slightly different route. Some courses are combined and some projects include extra elements to accommodate the acceleration, but results in the same diploma, which can also be used to enter an international master’s programme in business, public policy or international relations, giving you international options.
Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:
Każdy, kto nie ukończył jeszcze szkoły (nie posiada świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej), musi dołączyć dokument wskazujący, jakie egzaminy maturalne planuje zdawać. Dokument ten musi zostać zatwierdzony przez administrację szkoły. Formularz dotyczący egzaminu maturalnego można znaleźć tutaj:
You can pursue a career in public service or politics, or at a non-governmental organisation, where you’ll likely be busy with management tasks, international relations, policy advice, fundraising and communications. You can also pursue a career in business, where you might work in management, marketing, governance, export or communications, or you could even decide to go into business for yourself as a social entrepreneur. Whatever you choose, you should be ready to run, market, advise or represent an international organisation, political institution or business, anywhere in the world.
Do you want to go straight to or continue studying after graduation? Many ES graduates go on to earn master’s degrees, often in the following fields:
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