Smart tools are a part of everyday life. You always carry your smartphone, equipped with every social media app imaginable. You check your heart rate on your smartwatch while you exercise. Have you ever wondered what goes into designing user-friendly and meaningful products like these?
User Experience Designers tackle questions to make these products meaningful and user-friendly. We constantly ask questions like “How important is this to users?” “What value does this add to people?” “How can we make this application fun?” “How can we use technology to make people’s everyday life easier?”
The Hague University of Applied Sciences offers two versions of their Communication and Multimedia Design programme. The first one is Interaction Design (Dutch), and the second one is User Experience Design (UXD, English). Both versions appeal to the creative power of students. Interaction designers use this power to create smart applications that can be used immediately. User experience designers invent smart concepts. In both programmes, we are always looking for the best possible quality of interaction between humans and systems. Both directions lead to the same final qualification, a Bachelor of Science.
Przed aplikacją sprawdź wymagania bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni. W przypadku problemów ze znalezieniem szczegółowych, aktualnych wymagań, skontaktuj się z konsultantami Kastu.
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w następujący sposób:
Każdy, kto nie ukończył jeszcze szkoły (nie posiada świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej), musi dołączyć dokument wskazujący, jakie egzaminy maturalne planuje zdawać. Dokument ten musi zostać zatwierdzony przez administrację szkoły. Formularz dotyczący egzaminu maturalnego można znaleźć tutaj:
If you’re academically inclined, you may want to follow a master’s after graduating from UXD. Because of UXD’s specific programme, there are as yet no master’s at THUAS that appropriately complement the UXD bachelor. However, our neighbours at the Delft University of Technology offer an interesting alternative, Human Technology Interaction. This master is focused on design. You could also apply for the Media Technology Master at Leiden University.
Outside the Netherlands, UXD students can follow a master’s straight after graduation. You should note that some universities in the Netherlands require you to follow a pre-master’s course after graduating from THUAS.
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