A marketing manager is at the forefront of marketing, sales, communications, management and business law. This 2-year programme is close to practice and internationally orientated, which will provide you with broad knowledge of the economic, legal, cultural, organisational and global conditions that feature in a company’s or organisation’s marketing.
Earn a Bachelor’s degree in 1½ years. This programme in Marketing Management is the first two years of a Bachelor’s programme in Innovation and Technology, a Bachelor’s programme in International Sales and Marketing Management or a Bachelor’s programme in Digital Concept Development.
A good marketing and sales employee is a good marketeer who has an overview of the entire company, which is why you also learn about economics, supply chain management, organisation and business law. At the same time, it is vital that you train what we call ‘personal leadership’ so that you are capable of taking independent responsibility, are proactive and dare to take advantage of your full potential.
The Marketing Management programme provides access to a wide range of job opportunities in Denmark or abroad, among other things, as a marketing coordinator, a sales assistant or an information officer.
This programme is close to practice and you’ll get hands-on experience from the business community – among other things through an internship at a relevant company – this ensures that you, as a graduate, are well equipped to do your future job. The programme is also a good starting point if you want to start your own company or want to continue studying for a higher education.
The programme’s four semesters are based on five subject areas, two-three elective courses, an internship and a final project. The focal point is marketing and sales. A good marketing and sales person is a businessperson who is able to interpret the entire business.
The programme is interdisciplinary with a marketing base. In the programme’s first year you will have compulsory subjects. After this, in the third and fourth semester, you can specialise according to the direction you want your career to take. Examples of electives are ‘digital marketing and e-commerce’ or ‘procurement and negotiation’ and consists of two or three elective courses, an internship and a final exam. It is possible to take the third and fourth semester abroad.
The teaching is based partly on dialogue-based class teaching, partly on project-oriented teaching, including individual sparring with teachers during the entire course. Teaching contents and methods have close ties to the business sector, and a number of projects are prepared together with or for external assignment providers.
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Prezentacja video – uczelnia wymaga stworzenia 3-minutego filmiku (w języku angielskim), który powinien składać się z:
Spełnienie wymagań w zakresie języka angielskiego można udokumentować w jeden z następujących sposobów:
Uwaga: ze względu na to, że łatwiej jest uzyskać wymagany wynik z IELTSa/TOEFLa niż z Oxford Online Placement Test, zalecamy zdawanie tych właśnie certyfikatów.
Uwaga: wymagania językowe mogą ulec zmianie. Przed wysłaniem aplikacji upewnij się jakie są wymagania językowe na konkretny kierunek bezpośrednio na stronie uczelni.
W przypadku zdawania certyfikatu IELTs upewnij się, czy uczelnia oprócz wymagań oceny końcowej nie ma również wymagań odnośnie ocen cząstkowych.
Build upon your Academy Profession degree and become a bachelor in 1½ years.
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