This programme is perfect for people who want to work with the latest technology within the fields of advanced electronic, hydraulic and auto technical systems. This programme is also suitable for people who would like to understand mercantile aspects within autosport or the automotive industry.
Earn a Bachelor’s degree in 1½ years. This programme in Automotive Technology is the first two years of a Bachelor’s programme in Innovation and Technology.
This course is not only suitable for jobs in the racing industry - if you get solid knowledge about the latest developments in this field, you will be well equipped for tasks in other areas of the automotive industry.
Teaching is in English, with an option for students to hand in written material in Danish. Teaching varies between theory and practical work and focuses on projects.
During the first three semesters, you will work with professional and specialist issues - both compulsory and optional. During the fourth semester, you will be in an internship for at least three months and must complete your final project in cooperation with a garage or a company. You can choose to do your internship in Denmark or abroad. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to follow one or more subjects at an educational institution in another country.
As an automotive technologist, you will be familiar with new technology and can disseminate it to colleagues. You will become the link between racing car drivers, mechanics, designers, sponsors and the many others who are involved in keeping racing teams or the automotive industry top-tuned.
You can study, join a summer school or take your internship abroad during the programme.
Wypis godzin oraz ocen – bardzo ważne jest załączenie wypisu. Szczegółowe informacje na temat sposobu wypełniania tego dokumentu oraz termin jego przesłania znajdziesz tutaj.*
Świadectwo dojrzałości wraz ze świadectwem ukończenia liceum/technikum - jeśli posiadasz już te dokumenty, koniecznie załącz je do swojego formularza aplikacyjnego Kastu. Jeśli jesteś w ostatniej klasie szkoły średniej, doślesz je wtedy, kiedy je otrzymasz.
Prezentacja video – uczelnia wymaga stworzenia 3-minutego filmiku (w języku angielskim), który powinien składać się z:
Uwaga: wyniki testu językowego muszą być przesłane na uczelnie do 10 marca!
Automotive Technologists will typically find work within the automotive industry working for: importers, dealers, garages, racing teams etc.
Your future job title might be:
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